Tuesday 30 August 2011

Follow certain constipation and heartburn remedies to avoid discomfort

Many women suffer from constipation and heartburn during pregnancy due to various changes that occur inside her body. Although not too serious in most cases, it’s always important to take measures to prevent any of the two problems that pregnant women may suffer from.

Constipation is a term that is referred to infrequent bowel movements and can be a cause of painful defecation. Constipation during pregnancy is usually caused by the hormones of pregnancy which slow down digestion, a diet that is made of refined highly processed carbohydrates and lots of saturated fat and insufficient natural fiber and fluids, the uterus growing which in turn presses on the intestine, certain medications, internal tension, lack of exercise and lax abdominal muscle tone among others.

On the other hand, heartburn in pregnant women is in most cases, caused because hormones cause the valve at the entrance to the stomach to relax. This relaxation of the valve results in it not closing properly and eventually allows acidic stomach contents to move upward into the esophagus. The condition can worsen later in the pregnancy phase when the growing uterus presses upwards against the stomach. Heartburn or acid reflux, as it is also called, is the burning sensation in the throat and chest when stomach contents move back upwards into the esophagus (the tube that transports food from our throats to the stomach).

However, there are certain constipation and heartburn remedies that a pregnant woman can follow to avoid the discomfort.

For constipation remedies, you can try eliminating refined carbohydrates from your diet. Avoid food products made from white wheat. Try eating fiber rich foods like cereal, whole grain bread, vegetables that are fresh and raw or slightly steamed and fresh or dried fruits. It’s also important that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Make it a point to follow routine bathroom habits and try avoiding delaying any urge to have a bowel movement.

Some heartburn remedies or tips would include avoiding citrus drinks or spicy and fatty food. Try eating several small meals a day and don’t be in a hurry to eat. Drink fluids except while eating and avoid lying down after meals.

If these constipation and heartburn remedies don’t work, consult your doctor and avoid delaying early treatment.

Monday 29 August 2011

Are you looking for Constipation remedies and heartburn remedies ?

A great frustration is faced by those who are affected by the constipation. It is not serious problem when sometime someone gets constipated. It only creates problem when this problem is permanent in someone. There are innumerable people who are caught in these diseases but if you have a continuous problem of constipation then it is really matter to be pondered over and solved. The first thing you need to do is to transform your eating habits, as you have to change your living style then you would be less affected by this. When you are having a constant problem regarding this then you would have less than four bowl movements in a week, even though it is most important that you should have bowl moments daily but still in some conditions they can vary but if they are less than 3 then the matter is to be sorted out and you need to knock at the door of a specialist who knows about natural herbs. As it is completely free from side effects and relives you in a permanent way.

Herbs can play a great role in sorting out the problem of the bowls. They can sort out the problem of acute and chronic constipation too. Ginger is nice heartburn remedy. It can be eaten raw or even can be used in vegetable. It also enhances the taste of the vegetables and can be used in gravy too .Peppermints is also one best heartburn remedies. Constipation remedies, which are natural, do not harm the body. Peppermints can be taken with tea or the peppermint oil can be used in the vegetables and dishes, which you like. It is a great body cleanser. Zingiber Officinale( scientific name of the ginger) and Mentha Piperita( scientific name of the peppermint) both are nice heartburn remedies.

So taking some constipation remedies and heartburn remedies can remove the acids from the body completely. Our life style has made us the victim of the constipation and acidity problems, which is really pathetic and need to be taken care of. The only thing we need to comprehend is prevention is better than cure. We should not take caffeine products and even should not eat much while going to bed. Taking heavy meals can cause heartburn and create acid in the body. A good diet of fiber can trig the bowl moments and can remove constipation problem too. So take a healthy diet and keep yourself fit.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Natural Cleanses for our Bodies

The best way to prevent and cure Candida is through natural remedies. The severity of the disease and the length of time one has had the disease are factors in determining recovery time. It can take roughly 6 to 12 months to fully recover from it. This can seem like quite a long period but one has to remember that once this disease has taken over the body, it takes some time to get rid of it.

A Candida cleanse detoxification diet is the most effective way to rid your body of this disease permanently. This diet requires a strict regimen and a change in lifestyle. It has to be followed on a daily basis to get benefits or results. It should be rich in vegetables and unprocessed foods. Alcoholic beverages and fruit juices as well as soft drinks should be avoided.

The main source of the disease is the digestive system, so cleaning it up is the main key. Adequate fiber intake and drinking at least 6 glasses of water is important. Water helps in flushing out the dead yeast cells out of the system. Psyllium and yellow dock herb help tighten the colon. They also help when one suffers from constipation as they are bowel regulators.

A Candida cleanse will improve health and energy levels, resistance to disease and enhance mental state and brain function. It is important to make sure one has a diet of high quality and nutritious foods.

A natural liver cleanse is a process designed to help flush our livers of toxic build-up, including gallstones, so that it can function normally. A liver that is healthy and fully functioning is vitally important as it performs functions that keep the rest our body nourished and safe from toxins.

Our livers extract nutrients from foods and convert them into substances that our bodies need to survive, filters out toxins from everything we digest and helps to regulate our insulin response. The gallbladder is located just below the liver and produces bile which helps the liver process fats and is where gallstones are formed.

A natural liver cleanse helps with problems of indigestion, frequent headaches, lack of energy and fatigue, weakness, inability to lose weight, food allergies and intolerances, rashes, acne and other skin problems, pain in the torso or lower torso as well as muscle aches and pains.

An important note to remember is that a doctor should be consulted before embarking on both these cleanses.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Bowel detoxification-best remedy for bowel problems

There are many intestinal problems that affect children and adults. They come in many forms and have different effects on people. These problems affect both our large and small intestines. Bowel problems also affect all the different parts of our intestines.

Listed below are the different types of bowel problems that people suffer from:
Irritable bowel syndrome is a very common complaint. The symptoms of this disorder include chronic abdominal pain that is not localized in one area, bloating, stomach discomfort and constipation or diarrhea.

Crohn’s Disease is an inflammatory bowel disease. It can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. The common symptoms of this disease may include abdominal pain, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea.

Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine or colon. The symptoms include tenesmus (constant bowel movement), waves in abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, chills, blood in stool and other signs of infection.

Gastroenteritis is a very common intestinal disease. It is the inflammation of the intestine, sometimes along with the stomach lining. It is often caused by a viral infection. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, etc.

Ulcers are crater-like wounds that can cause mild to severe pain. Symptoms include burning in the upper abdomen, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, vomiting and sometimes blood in the stool. Pain is relieved or worsened after consuming food in this condition.

For the treatment of such problems, bowel detoxification is the best remedy. Maintaining a regular detox routine 2-3 times a year is recommended and it is beneficial for good health regardless of whether you suffer from the above symptoms or not.

While there are many detoxification methods, the natural cleanse method is the best way. Other methods involve taking supplements or chemicals or intrusive medical procedures. Simply changing our diets can assist in cleansing our bowels and improving regularity. Eating more fresh fruits, steamed vegetables, fiber-rich cereals and bran can help the colon function better and can help in flushing out unwanted matter from our bodies.

When we begin our day by drinking plenty of water and eating only fresh fruits before noon, we encourage a bowel detoxification to flush out toxins our bodies have fought to eliminate overnight. Morning is the prime time for the elimination of toxic waste.

Eating right and healthy is the best way to detox the bowel and it will have a positive affect on our bodies for the rest of our lives.

Are you looking for IBS treatment ?

Irritable bowel syndrome can also be labeled as spastic colon or functional bowel disease. One needs to accustom our body to various things and this tuning can be done with regular practice. This ailment is not inherited instead a person’s habits lead to this state. So following some healthy irritable bowel syndrome remedies at home can offer relief from it. One can consume more water daily to ease up motion. Eating sufficient raw veggies and fruits in regular interval can add much required fiber for digestion through it.

Irritation in the bowels has become a common complaint in the clinics nowadays. With increasing number of victims, currently one out of every six US citizens show positive results of the Irritable bowel syndrome commonly called IBS. Although the exact reason unknown so far, IBS is usually found amongst those who have recently suffered intestinal infections. In such cases, IBS is called 'post-infectious IBS'. IBS is often confused with IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which occurs during ulcerative colitis. Herbal medicines like Chinese herbal tea, peppermint oil and grapefruit extracts are considered effective in IBS treatment but they are not always effective.

Therefore if you are seeking IBS treatment remedies that do not have side effects you should opt for alternative treatments. Use of probiotics is one of the most popular alternative treatments to cure this condition. Excessive use of antibiotics kills the good bacteria that thrive in the abdomen. Absence of these, lead to conditions such as ibs.

Another syndrome people get generally is the acid reflux, this is also harmful for the health of the individual, and this is a syndrome, which causes immense acidity among people, and this often causes vomiting and restlessness in people.

Acid reflux remedies include proper dietary control and intake of food at regular interval of time. This actually helps the production of acid in the stomach low and the individual does not experience any health issue. However, the individual should check the amount of oil in the food and the food should be cooked in low amount of oil.If you intend sticking to natural acid reflux remedies, the most pragmatic thing to do is to avoid fatty and fried foods which encourage acidity. Water and fibrous food intake should be increased considerably as also foods which are rich in anti-oxidants such as herbal teas

Unhealthy food leads you to Irritable Bowel

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a bowel disorder that interferes with normal functioning of colon. It is often characterized by abdominal pain, constipation, bloating and chronic fatigue. Even though it does not lead to chronic illness, it causes much discomfort and pain. The symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome vary from person to person and diagnosis often involves eliminating various other reasonable possibilities. Diarrhea and Celiac disease are often misdiagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome have a sensitive colon which is over reactive to certain types of food. Studies have concluded that Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects the normal movement of colon and may also stop its working temporarily. If the muscles of the colon do not contract in the right way, the contents inside it do not move resulting in constipation, cramps and pain. There are many IBS treatment available you can also try herbal medicine to overcome it.

Most often, occurring in the adolescent age or early adulthood, IBS is more common in women. Also the most common intestinal complaint for which patients are referred to a gastroenterologist. If Irritable bowel syndrome is not treated in the initial stage, then one can sense acid reflux symptoms due to overproduction of digestive acid.

There are many traditional acid reflux remedies which help people overcome this problem. These are ginger, Swedish bitter herbal tonic, apple cider vinegar, milk and water. However you can also cut down the risk of acid reflux by following healthy eating habits. Eat smaller meals and do not sleep immediately after eating. Fibre rich foods are good for your digestive system.Some people seeking acid reflux remedies take antacids or also opt for surgery but these steps do not guarantee you long term cure. There is every possibility that you will again suffer from heartburn. Therefore your best bet is to make suitable changes in your present diet.

It is also prudent to remember that smoking and excessive consumption of tea and coffee increase acidity and should be avoided if one were to cure himself of the problem. Regular bowel movements should be monitored to ensure ejection of undigested food. Proper chewing of food also leads to lesser undigested food in the stomach and regular exercise – a short walk before or after dinner – aids digestion. These so far, have been known to be the most effective acid reflux remedies and is applicable on a person to person basis, depending on his constitution, physique and pathological structure of the stomach.

Monday 22 August 2011

Bowel detoxification for great looks

How is it connected even? You might be thinking. Like they say, way to a man’s heart is though his stomach. Similarly, many health related problems creep inside our body through the foods we consume. Many health related problems start from food and stomach. And naturally when you are unwell or feel restless, it is shown on the face. Your health has direct impact on your appearances and looks. This discomfort also then reflects in your productivity. So, now you know how important it is to take good care of your stomach. It is very important to follow healthy diet habits and getting rid of bowel problems. These problems do not come alone, but get many others with them. Consuming fresh vegetables, raw foods like salads, fruits as one meal per day certainly helps in bowel detoxification. This helps body to throw away the toxins created within our system. It is not just our body secretions which are responsible for toxin in our body, but also pollution, adulterated food items, various other factors contribute to adding toxins inside. Many health related problems can be dealt with effectively by having a bowel detoxification done at regular time periods. This is very essential and can yield very good relief from bowel problems like leaky gut, IBS and so on. There are many foods which help you in achieving a problem free stomach like raw foods, which contain fiber, that helps in digestion as well as throwing the waste out. Health supplements containing probiotic properties also serve the purpose. Consuming at least 8-10 glasses of water helps in digestion and to maintain optimum level of hydration in body. Leafy vegetables are good source of fiber, including them into your daily diet will help. Using natural laxatives like aloe Vera, flex seeds for cleansing purpose is another good option. Senna leaves are very good strong yet natural laxatives.

When you have a healthy stomach, it leads to a healthier and problem free system. When you a clean system, it reflects in your actions as they tend to be easier and more productive, in contrast to those when you are unwell. It also boosts mental peace and this is clearly reflected on your skin. A flawless skin is a good example of healthy body and mind. The face and body beams with glow when you are healthy from within.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Diet control for IBS treatment and acid reflux

Diet forms a very important factor in determining the health of a person. Very true that what we eat is what we become. Our diet is the main deciding factor of our health. Hence, it becomes very important that we maintain a proper diet to remain healthy. Irritable bowel syndrome is something that depends mainly on the diet an individual takes. It can occur due to unhygienic diet or diet that is cooked in unhealthy oil. Same is the case with acid reflux that causes immense acidity in the person and again is a result of inappropriate diet. Getting rid of any of these issues requires one to exercise a proper control on the diet of a person.

Proper dietary control and intake of food at regular intervals of time is the best cure of the disease. Foods cooked in unhygienic conditions like the outdoor foods should be avoided. Also, proper care should be exercised in ensuring the adequate cooking conditions at home. Whenever you eat the food, it is advisable to wash your hands every time. Even though you use a spoon, you should wash your hands every time you eat. Proper care should be taken in the oil you use to cook the food. Amount of oil used while cooking should be limited to get a quick relief from the problem. Also care should be exercised in having the clean drinking water available for you. A good water purifier would help ensure that you have the safe drinking water available to you. Remember, germs can flow to your body in an easy manner through water. If water is not clean to drink, it might lead to so many germs entering the body. Ensure that you drink sufficient amounts of water to maintain the fluid level in the body to desired levels. You should make sure that you drink water in sufficient quantities all through the day. This will help in the fast IBS treatment and act as one of the acid reflux remedies. These simple things if taken care in the diet will ensure that you get the needed IBS treatment on time and act as one of the best acid flux remedies.

Homemade remedies for Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a type of syndrome characterized by abdominal pain, cramping and bloating. In general, it is essential to make a note of food that we take in and the food that cause irritation. For some people, dietary foods causes bloating, in such case it may be better to avoid until the Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms are reduced. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder in the large intestine usually caused by the food we take in and is not hereditary or contagious. It causes pain and discomfort in the abdomen but does not cause any damage to the large intestine.

If you have frequent bloating even with proper intake of food in timely manner, then that is the starting sign of Irritable bowel syndrome. For some people, their digestive system may be very slow and sluggish. In such case, the food gets digested very slowly than normal. One of the basic IBS treatment is to frequently eat little amount of food in short intervals. This may not overload the digestive system and may help to digest the food properly. It is also essential to eat food only when you are hungry. This will help the digestive system to accumulate proper amount of acid for digestion and may be able to process the food quickly. In the case of acute Irritable bowel syndrome, some people often feel abdominal pain or severe constipation. In such cases, one can skip solid meals and opt for fruit juice. Fruit juices help to regulate acidic level as well as aids in the digestion of food. Citrus fruit juices are very helpful in the case of severe constipation. As one cannot solely survive on fruit juices, it is essential to balance the intake of fruit juice and solid foods.

If Irritable bowel syndrome is not treated in the initial stage, then one can sense acid reflux symptoms due to overproduction of digestive acid. This condition happens when a person has the habit of eating too much of oily and spicy food. There are many acid reflux remedies and heartburn remedies that can be made at home using spices that are used for cooking. One of the best heartburn remedy is chewing raw cumin seeds one hour before any meal. This helps to cure Irritable bowel syndrome as well as heartburn remedies. Cumin seeds have the property to improve digestion and relives constipation. Other homemade heartburn remedies include: taking a glass of hot ginger water one hour before meals. This helps to stabilize the acid levels, relieves trapped gas from stomach, and helps to improve slow and sluggish digestive system.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Causes of Bowel Problems

Bowel problems are among the most common conditions affecting millions of people these days. Many people experience this issue for short term but sometimes it can be a never-ending condition. There are many different types of bowel problems that people are facing today such as constipation, incontinence, hemorrhoids, bleeding, and pain. Let’s see what kind of bowel problem one can face in his/her life.

Constipation: This is most common and uncomfortable problem, and occurs to most people from time to time. In this case motion becomes hard and dry and the person may also have stomach pains and swelling. Any of these can cause constipation: not drinking enough water, not eating adequate fiber, not doing enough exercise, pregnancy, using some medicines, Lack of activity due to illness or injury, vaginal prolapsed, etc.

Diarrhoea: In this condition a person has frequent watery, loose bowel movements. This problem can occur as a symptom, allergy, disease, food intolerance and may be escorted by abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea. A healthy person can recover in a few days, but many people such as infants and children, it can cause dehydration and become critical without treatment.

Faecal Incontinence: This is also known as poor bowel control. People who are suffering with pass faeces or stools, at the wrong time without control. It happens to across all age groups people. Today 1 in 20 people have poor bowel control. Poor bowel control can be caused by many conditions such as: constipation, diarrhoea, poor mobility, damaged sphincter muscles around the back passage after childbirth or surgery, etc.

To get rid from bowel problems detoxification is essential. Bowel detoxification is the process of clearing toxins from the body and clearing excess mucus and congestion. Your food habits can change the texture of your stool and passes quickly through your digestive system. If your stools are too watery, you should start to eat high fiber foods. It will make your stool easier to control. If you are suffering from bowel problems, you should cut down on: caffeine (present in coffee, tea and cola), dairy products (like milk, cheese, and ice cream), greasy and spicy foods. Larger meals can cause bowel hamper so it is good to eat the same amount of food. While the process of bowel detoxification, it is also essential to include probiotics in your diet to refill your intestinal flora. A healthy diet of high fiber foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits is very important. You should drink six to eight glasses of water a day. These foods are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also they help us to keep the intestines clean.

Diet for Bowel Detoxification

Bowel problems are very common and may be a short term experience. But sometimes this problem can be a chronic condition. Bowel problems can occur by consuming the foods that are not prepared properly.

The major difference between short and long term bowel problems is the never-ending problem can change almost every part of a sufferer's life. This regular problem can hamper their digestion and absorption of the important nutrients in the foods. This problem may also happen as a result of problems during fetal development in the womb such as malrotation or failure of the bowel to properly rotate in utero which can cause obstruction or twisting. Some common bowel problems are constipation, diarrhoea, rectal prolapsed, poor bowel control, etc.

Bowel movements are the root of your health and if you don't have at least 1 bowel movement per day, you are inviting diseases in your life. All congestion and toxins must be removed from the body and it must begin with bowel detoxification. Detoxification is the process of clearing toxins from the body and clearing excess mucus and congestion. While the process of bowel detoxification, it is also essential to include probiotics in your diet to refill your intestinal flora. A healthy diet of high fiber foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits is very important. These foods are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also they help us to keep the intestines clean.

It is essential to drink plenty of water. As water is a vital part of our body elimination and detoxification system, at least 10 to 12 glass of water in a day are required. Avoid tea, coffee and soft drinks. Stop taking all junk and processed food from your diet. Flaxseed, which is also known as linseeds, contains high level of soluble and insoluble fiber as well as it is an excellent source for many other nutrients. You can include it in your daily diet by sprinkle it over cereals, toast, yogurts, salads and many other foods.Green tea is an herb which is very helpful to remove toxins from not only the bowel, but the whole body. If you add lemon and limes in your meals or beverages, you can easily remove accumulated toxins from the bowel. Whole grains are also very good and helpful in bowel detoxification and one of the most effective ways to encourage regular bowel movements and remove partially digested food from the intestinal.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Foods for Bowel Detoxification

With the problem of bowel a person may suffer from various types of illness or abnormalities which affect our gastrointestinal tract. Some of the different complications of bowel problem are intestinal obstruction, celiac disease, divertriculitis, inflammatory bowel disease, infections, tumors and irritable bowel syndrome. The bowel problems are associated with numerous symptoms like abdominal pain and spasms, gas, bloating, inability to defecate or pass gas, rectal bleeding, loose and watery stools, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting and weight loss.

Sometimes the cause of the bowel problems may be the fetel development in the womb. Usually the bowel problem is not a serious problem and it doesn’t require any emergency treatment but persistent diarrhea is its common symptom. Sometimes this may result into some serious dehydration or some serious symptoms. So it is advisable to seek immediate medical care. Some of its serious symptoms are severe abdominal pain, inability to pass stool or gas or vomiting blood.

For many problems detoxification is the ultimate remedy. Detoxification is related with the process in which a person gets rid of many harmful addictions like alcohol and drugs. By the process of detoxification, one can get rid of the accumulated harmful substances which stress our systems.

Bowel detoxification is best for:

  1. People with parasitic infection
  2. People with candida yeast infection
  3. People with food allergies
  4. People who uses lots of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs or steroid medications frequently
  5. People whose source of drinking water is not good
  6. People having poor dietary habits
  7. People who deal with animals on an ongoing basis

While detoxification you should include lots of fruits in your diet. One fruit which you should avoid to a little extent is grape fruit. You can eat oranges as much as you can. You should also include plenty of water in your diet as it will keep toxins at lower level. You should concentrate on eating organically that means which are grown or produce. You should minimize your intake of meat, you should cut out the intake of processed food. In spite of all these things, you should always try to take the foods like radishes, turnips, ginger, berries, swiss chard or artichoke hearts.

Cure for bowel problems

Millions of people live with bowel problems like rectal prolapse, constipation, diarrhoea and poor bowel control. The bowel is actually the last part of the digestive system and it is divided into both small and large intestine. Colon, Rectum and Anus are included in the large intestine. The main function of the small intestine is to absorb nutrients from the digested food in the stomach. The large intestine on the other hand effectively absorbs water and it forms faeces from the waste products that are left off by the body which is actually discharged from the body through the rectum and the anus. Bowel problems actually refers to the problems in the colon, rectum and anus of the large intestine .The symptoms of bowel problems include abdominal pain, nausea or unexplained weight loss with the presence of blood in the stools.

The problem can be kept under control when the affected person decides to make a change in his/her diet right away .The intake of adequate fluids in the form of water, fruit juices and fiber rich food items relapses the toxins from the body thus keeping the colon in its right form. Man and his body have not changed much in the past years but his diet has changed and the impact of this change has caused adverse effects to the healthy colon. Bowel movements are probably the basic thing for a person's good health condition. When one is affected or infected with constipation or rectal prolapse then they consult a physician. The physician would advise the person to take lots of fiber in food and he/she would be asked to exercise regularly. Apart from that if the condition is pretty serious then the person would be asked to go for a surgical treatment.

Ostomy is the surgery required by people who are unable to discharge waste from the body in the normal way. It is usually needed if a section of the bowel is removed due to any serious bowel condition. The surgery involves the formation of a hole in the abdomen and then with the required redirection the faeces are collected in the bag which is kept outside the body.

Bowel problems might be also the result from neurogenic bowel which is when the colon would not be able to function properly due to lack of nervous control. This kind of bowel problems might be due to the spinal injuries, Multiple sclerosis and one can note that in such cases the colon would not be able to function properly.

Bowel detoxification is the removal of the inbuilt toxins from the bowel and this can be done right from home itself. The foods which must be avoided include cheese, coffee, dairy products, white flour products, sugar, alcohol and canned or grilled food substances. Juice fasting can be done and by that way the toxins can be removed. Along with it the selenium, lutein, curcumin, greentea, folic acid, Broccoli, cabbage and sprouts have all been useful to aid in bowel detoxification.A periodic trip to the local sauna and the intake of plenty of water releases waste toxins through the sweat and urine of the body.

Diet Control – The Best Treatment for IBS and Acid Reflux

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disease, which can happen to any individual and does not depend on the age of the person but it certainly depends on the type of diet maintained by that particular individual.

In most of the cases, it is found that this disease happen due to unhygienic diet and diet cooked in unhealthy oil. However, people are requested to wash their hands every time before eating even though they use a spoon to have their food.

IBS basic treatment starts by controlling the intake of diet and an individual should make sure that the food is cooked in healthy way.

IBS treatment gives a person relief from the typical conditions like abdominal pain, discomfort and bowel disorder. The doctors advise people not to have food outside their home and at home which cooking hygienic conditions should be developed properly.

IBS treatment start by assessing people who have problems of food intolerance, and the doctors recommend these types of foodstuffs from the diet.

Another syndrome people get generally is the acid reflux, this is also harmful for the health of the individual, and this is a syndrome, which causes immense acidity among people, and this often causes vomiting and restlessness in people.

Acid reflux remedies include proper dietary control and intake of food at regular interval of time. This actually helps the production of acid in the stomach low and the individual does not experience any health issue. However, the individual should check the amount of oil in the food and the food should be cooked in low amount of oil.

In many situations using of anti-acids are required as acid reflux remedies and people are told to drink lots of water in order to get relief. Water should be filtered either by using a water purifier or by using reverse osmosis in order to kill the germs. Intake of water is very essential as it keeps the body fluids balanced and thus the body tends to remain healthy.

For acid reflux remedies, the main stress is given on the food, which in being used by the people and that should not be of high fats, or cholesterol and the cooking should be done using moderate amount of oil and people should drink enough water all throughout the day.

Some acid reflux remedies

The human digestive system is a wonderfully designed one, enabling us to consume food and drink and safely digesting it. It is a complex system and due to this, is prone to many infections and diseases. Keeping it clean and away from toxic elements can help you have a healthy digestive tract.

We all know smoking is bad for health. Aside from causing cancer, it also aids the onset of heart disease and a host of other illnesses. What you may not have guessed, however, is that smoking negatively impacts your tummy too. Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a condition where you suffer from stomach pain, bloating and change in bowel habits. It can be caused by several factors like stress, infection and old age. Smoking has now been identified as a gastrointestinal tract irritant, damaging the esophageal sphincter. This in turn makes it possible for stomach contents to flow up and down, triggering acid reflux and IBS.

Nicotine found in cigarettes and other tobacco products heightens production of stomach acids. Coupled with a stressful life, it can cause massive discomfort. But as it is a lifestyle disease, IBS can be prevented or brought under control. IBS treatment includes medication, quitting tobacco, eating healthy and leading a less stressful life. You doctor will probably prescribe you medicines like fiber supplements, laxatives, an antispasmodic and alosetron hydrochloride. The last drug is mainly prescribed for women who suffer from a severe case where conventional IBS treatment hasn’t worked.

Aside from the usual medication, natural acid reflux remedies work wonders. Apple cider vinegar contains good acids which will help temper your discomfort. Just add a teaspoon to half a glass of water and sip. Fennel is a herb that helps in digestion so grab half a teaspoon of its seeds and chew after meals. Alkaline-based diets also help reduce acid in the stomach. They detoxify the body and fight acid build up.

Before you embark on such a diet or take medications, consult your doctor as we differ from person to person. Certain drugs may be harmful for you so you don’t want to aggravate your condition. What you can do yourself is quit smoking, reduce your alcohol consumption and temper your cravings for fried, fatty foods.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Unwanted food is the main root for leaky guts and acid reflux

There are people who are crazy about foods. They eat food like anything, anywhere and anytime they want to eat them. They eat like everything from high calorie food items, protein food and fatty foods causing many health complications. Uncontrollable and unwanted food can lead them to suffer from obesity resulting in body fatigue and laziness to creep up. Powdered, packeted and convenience diets which contain less nutrition’s along with grain gits contains maximum level of harmful chemicals, protectives, colorings, honey, trans greasy acids, synthetic sweeteners and various harmful substances added to the increase of leaky gut syndrome in our body.

On the other hand, chewing of unwanted foods all the time results in the formation of acid inside our stomach resulting in acid reflux, caused due to indigested food being rolled back to esophagus which causes heavy damages to the body including heart burn. The center point for all this body damages is also unwanted foods. Foods which are held guilty of formation of acid reflux include all oily foods, sweet goodies, caffeine, liquor, overweight and antenatal period. Moreover, those people who lie down or sleep after eating food are also affected by acid reflux symptoms.

The symptoms of both leaky guts and acid reflux are more ever the same. Unwanted intake of food stuffs causes anxiety, heartburn, food allergies, and muscle pain. As we are aware of the fact that 70% of our body resistant system are located near our digestive system, so normally the food we take are been broken down and turn into energy and glucose which mixes with our blood vessels and are spread through out the body. In our digestive system there is a cell which is as long as a hair which helps in absorption of nutrition and when it get damaged it cannot produce those helpful enzymes required by our body to produce energy results in body damage. In the case of acid reflux because of this damaged cause to this hairy cell food is rolled back to esophagus causing making the patient uncomfortable in time due to pain and heart burn.

But whereas the treatment goes there are differences. First of all if you have been affected with the symptoms of both leaky guts and acid reflux, you should immediately start your treatment under medicinal practitioner who has enough experiences in curing these types of patients before. As per treatment for leaky guts are concerned you have to completely forget which causes reactions to various parts of your body for at least 4 to 6 months, so that damaged villi gets cured up and also your lever can have enough time to detoxify the harmful impurities from the body. You have to resist your temptation against foods which contain honey, vinegar, dairy merchandise, caffeine, dried fruits and above all powdered, packeted and convenience diets.

In case of acid reflux treatment is done through by injecting histamine-2 anti-acid drug inside our body so that during irritation inside the stomach, it can release more anti acids which reduces acid formation inside the body and also brings instant relief. There are different types of anti acids present in the drug stores worldwide, purchase them and get relieved. Gerd natural remedy is the remedy which can be used to fight with this syndrome.

We should eat whatever we want to eat but we should also keep ourselves in check to eat unwanted or rubbish foods. One can easily feel greedy about eating all the oily stuffed foods but forget that they have to suffer from leaky guts and acid reflux, if he doesn’t keep himself in check.

Do you experience frequent inflammation? – Check for leaky gut symptoms

Doctors do not easily detect a leaky gut, otherwise known as increased intestinal permeability. The presence of toxins, undigested food, parasites, and microbe in the intestine can increases the size of the pores on the gut wall. The permeated gut wall then allows these macromolecules to leak into the blood stream. Our intestine walls are permeable to an extent to allow essential nutrients to get through into the blood stream. The gut wall works like a filter by absorbing only certain nutrients when they are broken down into the right form and blocks the remaining particles from passing through it. As the intestine wall damages, it becomes more porous and allows toxins, pathogens and other harmful particles. Therefore, the screening process does not work effectively. The presence of undigested food can cause the stomach acid to pump back into the throat causing GERD. One of the gerd natural remedy is cutting down on acidic fruits like citrus fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and onions can help immensely.

The danger of overly permeable wall is that it cannot distinguish between essential nutrients and pathogens. However as the toxins build up in our body, the immune system also begins to work along side by making the liver to clean everything out. If the liver cannot remove the toxins, the pathogens begin to travel through blood stream and can settle down in any part of the body. You can see inflammations on the part of the body where the pathogens finally settle down. If you find that previously tolerated food is now causing problem, then the cause is not the food you eat, but it is the leaky guts syndrome. The common symptom due to poor digestion is acid reflux, in which case the acid flows back into the oesophagus causing heartburn.

Any activity that can stimulate and widen the pores of intestinal walls can cause leaky guts. Here are some common causes:

Improper diet: Our body considers artificial chemicals as toxins. If a diet consists of foods high in sugar and refined flour with loads of artificial colorings, then it induces lots of stress on the liver as well on our immune system. Our body also has to expend more energy to process these low nutrient foods. Therefore, due to additional stress on the intestine, the gut walls can permeate naturally. Moreover, over growth of yeast also increases the pores of intestinal walls.

Insufficient stomach acid: If your stomach does not produce enough hydrochloric acid needed to digest the food, then it can result in insufficiently broken down food particles. Larger undigested food particles can widen the pores on the gut walls and can make you feel a burning sensation near your heart much like the symptom of acid reflux.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Candida diet to cleanse your System

Candida or Candidiasis is often considered a “modern disease” as it is brought on by modern innovations like antibiotics, contraceptive pills and a diet of processed, sugary foods and candy. Candida is considered a serious condition mainly for 2 reasons:

It is undiagnosed very often, leaving the yeast to spread undisturbed.The immune system can be affected by its many symptoms. This forces the immune system to fight many other conditions caused by the yeast apart from the yeast infection.

Natural therapies are the most effective way to fight this disease. Recovery time depends on the length of time one has had the disease as well as the severity of it and can last roughly 6 to 12 months. For some people, this may seem like a long time but once Candida has taken hold of the body, it can take some time to get rid of it.

The best way of ridding your body permanently of Candida is through a Candida cleanse detoxification diet. Antifungal drugs can cause side-effects like nausea, fever, rashes, diarrhea, rigor and chills. Hence, a cleanse is a healthy and natural solution.

A Candida diet requires a strict regimen and lifestyle change. If you want to see any benefits or results, it should be followed on a daily basis. This diet should be rich in vegetables and unprocessed foods. Avoiding alcoholic beverages and fruit juices as well as soft drinks that contain sugar or caffeine is important. In fact, avoiding any processed foods (canned or pre-made foods) will make the diet more successful. A Candida diet will improve health and energy levels, resistance to disease and enhance mental state and brain function. However the primary benefit of this cleansing diet is the purification of toxins like yeast from the body.

The key to conquering Candida is to clean up the digestive system which is the main source of the disease. Constipation must be avoided so drinking at least 6 glasses of water and adequate fiber intake is recommended. Drinking plenty of water also helps in flushing out the dead yeast cells out of the system. Psyllium and yellow dock herb can be taken if diarrhea is a problem as they will tighten the colon. They also help in constipation as they are bowel regulators. Yellow dock should be taken separately from any herb that contains tannic acid to avoid stomach ache.

It is vital to make sure that you are eating high quality and nutritious food. And always consult your doctor before undergoing a new eating regimen.

A candida diet can help to cleanse the yeast from your system

Candida albicans is a normal bacterium that lives within the walls of a woman’s vagina. They are important for the normal working of the body and the body must have these bacteria in the necessary amounts. However, sometimes something goes wrong with the system and this causes the bacteria that are normally present in the body to multiply uncontrollably until it develops into a yeast infection. You know you have an infection of this kind if there is continued fatigue and you are unable to concentrate on your work.

To treat the poor patients who are attacked by the yeast development, candida cleanse is a necessity. This helps to wash out all the harmful yeast from the system. Candida cleanse is simple yet a very effective solution to the cure of the yeast attack. It means changing your diet so that the yeast can no longer survive in your system. You must remember that the intake of certain antibiotics also leads to a yeast infection. It somehow causes an imbalance in the natural growth of these bacteria in the system.

The best candida diet would be to consume fresh yoghurt. It contains natural bacteria that can overcome the multiplication of the bad bacteria and help to finally get rid of them altogether. Another useful tip would be to consume organic food because the antibiotic levels in these foods are low. Also avoid certain foods that can easily cause this kind of yeast infection. Avoid starch, and refined sugar which yeast is very attracted to. They seem to thrive in these mediums. Brown rice and beans should be eaten a lot during the time you have an infection.

The main cause of the disease is the imbalance of acids and alkalis in the body. If this is seen to, there should be no problem in restoring the body to its normal working order. All you need to do is to eat more alkaline foods and restrict the acidic food in your system. Then the candida diet will work beautifully.

Keeping a check on your diet in this way will also lead to your overall good health. Even your digestive system will work well. For example, if you reduce the amount of sugar you consume, you not only keep the yeast away but also lose weight and stay healthy. Boost your immune system and feel good all the time!