Thursday 11 August 2011

Some acid reflux remedies

The human digestive system is a wonderfully designed one, enabling us to consume food and drink and safely digesting it. It is a complex system and due to this, is prone to many infections and diseases. Keeping it clean and away from toxic elements can help you have a healthy digestive tract.

We all know smoking is bad for health. Aside from causing cancer, it also aids the onset of heart disease and a host of other illnesses. What you may not have guessed, however, is that smoking negatively impacts your tummy too. Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a condition where you suffer from stomach pain, bloating and change in bowel habits. It can be caused by several factors like stress, infection and old age. Smoking has now been identified as a gastrointestinal tract irritant, damaging the esophageal sphincter. This in turn makes it possible for stomach contents to flow up and down, triggering acid reflux and IBS.

Nicotine found in cigarettes and other tobacco products heightens production of stomach acids. Coupled with a stressful life, it can cause massive discomfort. But as it is a lifestyle disease, IBS can be prevented or brought under control. IBS treatment includes medication, quitting tobacco, eating healthy and leading a less stressful life. You doctor will probably prescribe you medicines like fiber supplements, laxatives, an antispasmodic and alosetron hydrochloride. The last drug is mainly prescribed for women who suffer from a severe case where conventional IBS treatment hasn’t worked.

Aside from the usual medication, natural acid reflux remedies work wonders. Apple cider vinegar contains good acids which will help temper your discomfort. Just add a teaspoon to half a glass of water and sip. Fennel is a herb that helps in digestion so grab half a teaspoon of its seeds and chew after meals. Alkaline-based diets also help reduce acid in the stomach. They detoxify the body and fight acid build up.

Before you embark on such a diet or take medications, consult your doctor as we differ from person to person. Certain drugs may be harmful for you so you don’t want to aggravate your condition. What you can do yourself is quit smoking, reduce your alcohol consumption and temper your cravings for fried, fatty foods.

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