Thursday 25 August 2011

Unhealthy food leads you to Irritable Bowel

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a bowel disorder that interferes with normal functioning of colon. It is often characterized by abdominal pain, constipation, bloating and chronic fatigue. Even though it does not lead to chronic illness, it causes much discomfort and pain. The symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome vary from person to person and diagnosis often involves eliminating various other reasonable possibilities. Diarrhea and Celiac disease are often misdiagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome have a sensitive colon which is over reactive to certain types of food. Studies have concluded that Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects the normal movement of colon and may also stop its working temporarily. If the muscles of the colon do not contract in the right way, the contents inside it do not move resulting in constipation, cramps and pain. There are many IBS treatment available you can also try herbal medicine to overcome it.

Most often, occurring in the adolescent age or early adulthood, IBS is more common in women. Also the most common intestinal complaint for which patients are referred to a gastroenterologist. If Irritable bowel syndrome is not treated in the initial stage, then one can sense acid reflux symptoms due to overproduction of digestive acid.

There are many traditional acid reflux remedies which help people overcome this problem. These are ginger, Swedish bitter herbal tonic, apple cider vinegar, milk and water. However you can also cut down the risk of acid reflux by following healthy eating habits. Eat smaller meals and do not sleep immediately after eating. Fibre rich foods are good for your digestive system.Some people seeking acid reflux remedies take antacids or also opt for surgery but these steps do not guarantee you long term cure. There is every possibility that you will again suffer from heartburn. Therefore your best bet is to make suitable changes in your present diet.

It is also prudent to remember that smoking and excessive consumption of tea and coffee increase acidity and should be avoided if one were to cure himself of the problem. Regular bowel movements should be monitored to ensure ejection of undigested food. Proper chewing of food also leads to lesser undigested food in the stomach and regular exercise – a short walk before or after dinner – aids digestion. These so far, have been known to be the most effective acid reflux remedies and is applicable on a person to person basis, depending on his constitution, physique and pathological structure of the stomach.

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