Thursday 11 August 2011

Cure for bowel problems

Millions of people live with bowel problems like rectal prolapse, constipation, diarrhoea and poor bowel control. The bowel is actually the last part of the digestive system and it is divided into both small and large intestine. Colon, Rectum and Anus are included in the large intestine. The main function of the small intestine is to absorb nutrients from the digested food in the stomach. The large intestine on the other hand effectively absorbs water and it forms faeces from the waste products that are left off by the body which is actually discharged from the body through the rectum and the anus. Bowel problems actually refers to the problems in the colon, rectum and anus of the large intestine .The symptoms of bowel problems include abdominal pain, nausea or unexplained weight loss with the presence of blood in the stools.

The problem can be kept under control when the affected person decides to make a change in his/her diet right away .The intake of adequate fluids in the form of water, fruit juices and fiber rich food items relapses the toxins from the body thus keeping the colon in its right form. Man and his body have not changed much in the past years but his diet has changed and the impact of this change has caused adverse effects to the healthy colon. Bowel movements are probably the basic thing for a person's good health condition. When one is affected or infected with constipation or rectal prolapse then they consult a physician. The physician would advise the person to take lots of fiber in food and he/she would be asked to exercise regularly. Apart from that if the condition is pretty serious then the person would be asked to go for a surgical treatment.

Ostomy is the surgery required by people who are unable to discharge waste from the body in the normal way. It is usually needed if a section of the bowel is removed due to any serious bowel condition. The surgery involves the formation of a hole in the abdomen and then with the required redirection the faeces are collected in the bag which is kept outside the body.

Bowel problems might be also the result from neurogenic bowel which is when the colon would not be able to function properly due to lack of nervous control. This kind of bowel problems might be due to the spinal injuries, Multiple sclerosis and one can note that in such cases the colon would not be able to function properly.

Bowel detoxification is the removal of the inbuilt toxins from the bowel and this can be done right from home itself. The foods which must be avoided include cheese, coffee, dairy products, white flour products, sugar, alcohol and canned or grilled food substances. Juice fasting can be done and by that way the toxins can be removed. Along with it the selenium, lutein, curcumin, greentea, folic acid, Broccoli, cabbage and sprouts have all been useful to aid in bowel detoxification.A periodic trip to the local sauna and the intake of plenty of water releases waste toxins through the sweat and urine of the body.

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