Sunday 28 August 2011

Natural Cleanses for our Bodies

The best way to prevent and cure Candida is through natural remedies. The severity of the disease and the length of time one has had the disease are factors in determining recovery time. It can take roughly 6 to 12 months to fully recover from it. This can seem like quite a long period but one has to remember that once this disease has taken over the body, it takes some time to get rid of it.

A Candida cleanse detoxification diet is the most effective way to rid your body of this disease permanently. This diet requires a strict regimen and a change in lifestyle. It has to be followed on a daily basis to get benefits or results. It should be rich in vegetables and unprocessed foods. Alcoholic beverages and fruit juices as well as soft drinks should be avoided.

The main source of the disease is the digestive system, so cleaning it up is the main key. Adequate fiber intake and drinking at least 6 glasses of water is important. Water helps in flushing out the dead yeast cells out of the system. Psyllium and yellow dock herb help tighten the colon. They also help when one suffers from constipation as they are bowel regulators.

A Candida cleanse will improve health and energy levels, resistance to disease and enhance mental state and brain function. It is important to make sure one has a diet of high quality and nutritious foods.

A natural liver cleanse is a process designed to help flush our livers of toxic build-up, including gallstones, so that it can function normally. A liver that is healthy and fully functioning is vitally important as it performs functions that keep the rest our body nourished and safe from toxins.

Our livers extract nutrients from foods and convert them into substances that our bodies need to survive, filters out toxins from everything we digest and helps to regulate our insulin response. The gallbladder is located just below the liver and produces bile which helps the liver process fats and is where gallstones are formed.

A natural liver cleanse helps with problems of indigestion, frequent headaches, lack of energy and fatigue, weakness, inability to lose weight, food allergies and intolerances, rashes, acne and other skin problems, pain in the torso or lower torso as well as muscle aches and pains.

An important note to remember is that a doctor should be consulted before embarking on both these cleanses.

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