Tuesday 30 August 2011

Follow certain constipation and heartburn remedies to avoid discomfort

Many women suffer from constipation and heartburn during pregnancy due to various changes that occur inside her body. Although not too serious in most cases, it’s always important to take measures to prevent any of the two problems that pregnant women may suffer from.

Constipation is a term that is referred to infrequent bowel movements and can be a cause of painful defecation. Constipation during pregnancy is usually caused by the hormones of pregnancy which slow down digestion, a diet that is made of refined highly processed carbohydrates and lots of saturated fat and insufficient natural fiber and fluids, the uterus growing which in turn presses on the intestine, certain medications, internal tension, lack of exercise and lax abdominal muscle tone among others.

On the other hand, heartburn in pregnant women is in most cases, caused because hormones cause the valve at the entrance to the stomach to relax. This relaxation of the valve results in it not closing properly and eventually allows acidic stomach contents to move upward into the esophagus. The condition can worsen later in the pregnancy phase when the growing uterus presses upwards against the stomach. Heartburn or acid reflux, as it is also called, is the burning sensation in the throat and chest when stomach contents move back upwards into the esophagus (the tube that transports food from our throats to the stomach).

However, there are certain constipation and heartburn remedies that a pregnant woman can follow to avoid the discomfort.

For constipation remedies, you can try eliminating refined carbohydrates from your diet. Avoid food products made from white wheat. Try eating fiber rich foods like cereal, whole grain bread, vegetables that are fresh and raw or slightly steamed and fresh or dried fruits. It’s also important that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Make it a point to follow routine bathroom habits and try avoiding delaying any urge to have a bowel movement.

Some heartburn remedies or tips would include avoiding citrus drinks or spicy and fatty food. Try eating several small meals a day and don’t be in a hurry to eat. Drink fluids except while eating and avoid lying down after meals.

If these constipation and heartburn remedies don’t work, consult your doctor and avoid delaying early treatment.

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